London Poetry book drawings

In 2003, I was commissioned by Enitharmon Editions in London to illustrate their anthology "Drawings for London in Poetry and Prose." This included creating 13 pen-and-ink drawings, one for each chapter, as well as the artwork for the front cover and title page.

Book details


London in Poetry and Prose


Artist: Anna Adams
Date: 2002
ISBN: 9781900564038

This anthology is a celebration of the city of London: ‘Noisy, stimulating, deadening, filthy, mysterious, tolerant, racist, crime-ridden, saint-haunted, ancient, up-to-the-minute, oppressive, liberating, crowded, lonely, addictive, and green-and-gardened, London is a microcosm of the World.’ These words, from Anna Adams’ Foreword, give a taste of the breadth of subject-matter and tone to be enjoyed in this magnificent illustrated anthology. Writing from the Middle Ages to the present is divided into themes including ‘The Weather in the Streets’, ‘The Poor and the Rich’, ‘The Countryman in Town’, ‘The Recent Wars’ and – unavoidably – ‘London Transport’.

Writers include: Anna Adams, W.H.Auden, William Blake, Lord Byron, Geoffrey Chaucer, John Clare, T.S.Eliot, D.J.Enright, U.A.Fanthorpe, Ted Hughes, Samuel Johnson, John Keats, Rudyard Kipling, Percy B. Shelley, JVirginia Woolf, William Wordsworth and Benjamin Zephaniah. For more information and to buy this publication please visit the link below:

To view the images larger keep double clicking on each image in turn and they will enlarge.