Jordan, Syria and Mesopotamia

I recently travelled to Jordan where I followed some of the Spice trails though the desert areas of Wadi Rum to Petra, producing Sketches and paintings along the way. After visiting Petra, I continued my journey through this beautiful country stopping off at the crusader castle of Kerak from where I went onto Mount Nebu and Madaba followed by the dead sea and the amazing ancient, ruined city of Jerash before finishing my trip in the capital city Amman. 

As well as Jordan I was lucky enough to visit Syria before its current devastating civil war, I visit Syria in May 2008 where I created works painting, drawing and photographing its Architecture, heritage and landscape these works included paintings, drawings and photographs of the ancient, ruined cities of Bosra and Palmyra. I also visited and sketched the crusader castles, of Krak des Chevaliers and Sahyun Castle (Known also as Saledin Castle. I also visited other sites around Syria. 


This page shows some examples of the works of these two countries 

To view the images larger keep double clicking on each image in turn and they will enlarge.  

Please note that the prices given for the works that are available for sale are unframed